Operations Review
Student-centric, cost-efficient PBSA operations management
An operations review gives peace of mind that your student housing asset is operating as efficiently and cost-effectively as possible whilst maintaining the highest possible levels of student satisfaction. Our operations experts will showcase your strengths and address your weaknesses giving an objective assessment of performance. More importantly we will give you a plan to improve performance through operational efficiencies. An operations review includes an IT & system review as part of the process.
One of the core elements of our operations review is procurement and contract management to ensure that your asset has the best possible service and terms of engagement. We are experienced in negotiating contracts, tweaking or completely over-hauling systems and processes. Each of our consultants specialises in change management which is essential in delivering an operational review. We leave no stone unturned.
We can conduct operations reviews for one student accommodation building or an entire portfolio to ensure you are operating efficiently and cost-effectively. We'll take into account the following considerations but can work on specific projects too.
What do you have to do?
- Agree the scope of the operations review with your student housing consultant
- Complete an online questionnaire
- Provide required supporting information
- Prepare for an inspection
What will our Operations Consultants do?
- Initial consultation to discuss scope of the review based on size and locations.
- Detailed analysis of your current systems architecture.
- Collection and analysis of use cases across relevant levels.
- Analyse, review and make recommendations based on best-practice and new innovations.
What do you get at the end of your Operations Review?
- Operations Review Report
- A detailed PDF document with the findings of our review.
- Operations Review Summary
- A summary presentation of your student housing operatitons review
- Operations Roadmap
- A plan to help you achieve best-practice, future-proof your business and pioneer your industry.
- Consultancy Support
- 3 x 1 hour consultations at 3, 6 and 12 months post-review.
For a FREE consultation get in touch with our team today.